University Of Fujairah Partners With Leader Healthcare Group To Launch Simulation Centre For The Bachelor Of Science In Nursing Program - Middle East Events.
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Monday, March 3, 2025

University Of Fujairah Partners With Leader Healthcare Group To Launch Simulation Centre For The Bachelor Of Science In Nursing Program

Chalking out the future of healthcare education in the region

In line with the nation’s commitment to invest in healthcare sciences education, the University of Fujairah has signed a partnership agreement with one of the country’s leading medical equipment providers, Leader Medical Supplies Trading LLC.  Through the new partnership, the University of Fujairah and Leader Healthcare will establish a Simulation Centre for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Program. Under the terms of the agreement, both parties will collaborate to build a knowledge-based society aligned with simulation-based healthcare education.

The partnership’s primary goal is to develop a simulation-based educational program that enriches the curriculum and enhances the nursing students’ skill set to envision and deliver highly skilled and competent nursing graduates for the region. 

Designed to be an immersive ‘real world’ experience, this state-of-the-art Simulation Center will be the first of its kind in the region to feature fully glass-walled bed-units partitioned to give the impression of an open ward/unit. Individualized teaching and learning of clinical skills can be implemented simultaneously in the 27 separate simulation bedspaces enabling medical and nursing trainees to practice key skills and techniques in a risk-free environment. Nursing students will also learn how to deliver water births in baths through simulation, unlike any other simulation facility in the region.

Additionally, Leader Healthcare will also provide University of Fujairah to enable learning with virtual reality in teaching anatomy and physiology for it first nursing college program.

The partnership agreement is funded by the Fujairah Charity Association, the main benefactor of the university. The agreement was signed by Professor SamehGhwanmeh, Chancellor of the University of Fujairah, and Mr. Sukhdeep Sachdev, Global Chief Executive Officer, Leader Healthcare at the University of Fujairah campus on March 9, 2021.

Professor SamehGhwanmeh confirmed that the program includes all the necessary qualities to provide an innovative, accredited nursing program that delivers quality education, professional certifications, and job opportunities.

Furthermore, The Honorable, Mr. Youssef Al-Murshoudi, Executive Committee Member, University of Fujairah and General Manager of Fujairah Charity Association reaffirmed, “with the introduction of this program, the University of Fujairah will be leading the healthcare sciences’ programs, starting with nursing, as per the nation’s agenda for education.”

Dr. Corrien Van Belkum, Dean of the College of Health Sciences emphasized, “the educational strategies implemented to teach nursing students clinical skills will be innovative, interactive and student-centered.”

Mr. Sukhdeep Sachdev concluded, “We believe as the nation believes, to encourage the skills of students and develop skillset-based programs. We want to provide equipment embedded with innovative technology and the expertise of our team to enable advanced simulation-based learning.”

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