UAE To Host 150 International Experts From 86 Countries For The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Meetings - Middle East Events.
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Monday, January 6, 2025

UAE To Host 150 International Experts From 86 Countries For The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Meetings

Al Maeeni: We will present the UAE experience in conformity assessment of electrical appliances used in explosive atmospheres

Held in the Middle East and North Africa region for the first time, the UAE will be hosting the annual meetings of the International Electrotechnical Commission System for Certification to Standards Relating to Equipment for Use in Explosive Atmospheres (IECEx System); one of the commissions affiliated to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The meeting, taking place from September 23 to September 27, will bring together a crowd of more than 150 international experts and delegates from 86 countries around the world.  

The Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA), representing the UAE at the IEC, will be showcasing the UAE's experience in assessing compliance of electrical equipment installed in a potentially explosive atmosphere with the IECEx directives, as part of the system developed by ESMA four years ago and approved by the Council of Ministers. It provides a control framework to ensure compliance of products and equipment sold in local markets with IECEx directives to reduce potential risks and accidents.

Meetings organized by ESMA in Dubai are expected to yield positive results, which would facilitate international trade in electrical equipment for use in explosive atmospheres, while maintaining the highest levels of safety. This would further establish the UAE as a regional platform to transfer experiences and expertise to the neighboring Gulf and Arab countries. 

HE Abdullah Abdul Qader Al Maeeni, Director General of ESMA, noted: “The UAE plays a leading role in the region and represents a pillar for innovative ideas and visions that promote economic performance. We, in the UAE, are keen to consolidate the UAE’s position globally and achieve the UAE Vision 2021 goals. Amongst those goals, making the UAE one of the best countries in the world, boosting economic performance in the transformation towards a knowledge-economy, encouraging innovation and enhancing investment attractiveness.”

Adding further, he said: “The meeting will bring together a global elite of experts to the UAE to this international brainstorming session aimed at encouraging high added-value sectors and develop the business environment. It shall build on the UAE's prestigious international reputation and progress in various fields, especially in infrastructure.”

Al Maeeni emphasized the importance of convening these meetings in the UAE. He also commended the significant issues tackled by the meetings, notably compliance of equipment and services used or provided in hazardous areas, such as oil fields, gas stations and dye, cement and petrochemical factories.

Concluding, he indicated that ESMA will be organizing a workshop for manufacturers and suppliers on the sidelines of the annual IECEx Committee meetings, under the title “Keeping pace with global practices in the manufacture of electrical equipment for use in explosive atmospheres”. This workshop aims at boosting awareness about the UAE regulations issued according to The Council of Ministers Resolution No. 23 for 2016 and other international regulations.

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