QGBC launches Al Tadweer program to establish recycling benchmark in Qatar - Middle East Events.
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QGBC launches Al Tadweer program to establish recycling benchmark in Qatar

QF member aims to ensure confidence in quality of recycled materials produced from solid waste

Qatar Green Building Council (QGBC) has unveiled Al Tadweer – a Recycling Validation Scheme (RVS) that provides scalable guidance for the recycling industry in Qatar. The program, partly sponsored by HSBC Qatar, was launched via a webinar attended by key stakeholders who introduced the program features, requirements, and application processes.

Al Tadweer ensures confidence in recycled products from solid waste through a quality audit and certification system.  The program offers a validation pathway covering the whole recycling lifecycle: solid waste collections and haulers to waste; sorting and processing; and waste recycling into manufacturing.

Solid waste is one of Qatar’s growing challenges that has emerged from rapid economic growth and urban development. The country has one of the highest per capita waste generation rates worldwide with 1.8 kg per day. As a result, the Qatar Second National Development Strategy (NDS2) has set a target to recycle 15% of solid waste by 2022.

QGBC worked closely with subject-matter experts to develop the program to ensure quality assurance of solid waste recycling processes. The program aligns with QGBC’s goal to educate stakeholders and the wider community about best practices to achieve a new low-carbon culture of waste management.

Engineer Meshal Al Shamari, Director, QGBC, said: “QGBC is proud to be able to further support sustainability processes and green initiatives through Al Tadweer, a program that will ensure further streamlining of the recycling industry in Qatar. Recycling is a key element of waste reduction, which is a national priority as the country works to reduce its solid waste generation.

“The Recycling Validation Scheme guarantees consumer confidence in the recycled solid waste product being fit for purpose and having the required level of performance.”

Al Shamari kicked off the webinar with the official launch of Al Tadweer. Greta Madgwick, HSBC Qatar Head of Communications Qatar and International Markets, discussed the bank’s support of the program before handing over to Hamoda Youssef, QGBC’s Head of Technical Affairs, and Dr. Khaled Hassan, Chair of QGBC’s Solid Waste Interest Group, Program Advisor and subject-matter expert, who provided a brief on the program and outlined the RVS processes.            

The RVS includes reviewing and auditing all the documents prepared, and tasks and activities performed by the organization to deliver recycled products to meet specific requirements. It also covers the commitment made by the organisation to manage and improve quality of production. On successful completion of the audits, QGBC will issue the organisation with a certificate showing their compliance with the solid waste RVS.

The Al Tadweer program comes at a crucial time as a response to the challenges highlighted by market stakeholders taking part in QGBC’s ongoing programs and campaigns, like The Green Key, Eco-Schools, Eco-Campus, Qatar Sustainability Week, and No Paper Day.

Thanks to HSBC Qatar support, QGBC will waive the registration fees for the first five validated organizations.

QGBC is a member of Qatar Foundation. For more information, please visit 

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