NBK continues contributing to achieve social sustainability during 2020 despite the pandemic - Middle East Events.
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NBK continues contributing to achieve social sustainability during 2020 despite the pandemic

The Bank's commitment to achieve Sustainable Development Goals has not changed under the pandemic

National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) continued during 2020 its social responsibility programs, especially in health and education areas, in order to support community efforts in addressing coronavirus pandemic and to continue its plans for sustainable development.

NBK succeeded in achieving astounding results with regard to its efforts to combat the pandemic on one hand, and maintaining its sustainability achievements on the other hand, through many contributions and initiatives covering various social fronts, particularly the health area.

The year 2020 reaffirmed NBK’s resistance in the face of crises, as the bank was committed to achieve sustainable development goals despite the pandemic, emphasizing the bank’s recognition of the dire need to work more than ever before for achieving sustainable development. 

Community Engagement during COVID-19 

Health Sector 

KD 1 Million Donation to Provide Ventilators and Mobile Clinics

NBK donated KD 1 million to Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) as part of its humanitarian and social role to support in Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic response. NBK’s donation will be directed to support Kuwait Red Crescent Society’s efforts to purchase ventilators and the deployment of fully equipped mobile clinics to quarantined areas. This donation comes as part of the bank’s commitment to social responsibility in supporting all efforts to combat the novel coronavirus pandemic, and underscores its constant support to voluntary and relief initiatives.

Employee Healthcare Program 

NBK launched a special healthcare program for its employees starting from last June, which will continue to organize it, as part of its continuous efforts to preserve the mental and physical health of employees during the coronavirus pandemic.

To date, the bank launched, within this program, more than twelve health campaigns, directed to the healthy and patients, including General Health Campaign at the Times Of Pandemic, Family Health Campaign, Heart Health Campaign, Mental Health Campaign, Nutrition and Fitness Campaign, Sport and Fitness Campaign, Blood Test Campaign, E-Learning Challenges Awareness Campaign, Physiotherapy Campaign, Breast Cancer Campaign, Diabetes Campaign and Blood Donation Campaign, among others.

The program, in which about 13 physicians from therapists, specialists and consultants are participating so far, covers key areas including mental and general health, nutrition and physical fitness, in addition to physical fitness, in an effort to support the bank’s employees during these exceptional times.

The program provides medical consultations at the bank’s clinic and various online training and advisory sessions presented by certified trainers or specialized doctors, through the bank’s interactive platforms and social media channels. The program features interactive content and virtual meetings that provide awareness medical consultations and advice by doctors and specialists. It also discusses health topics through online lectures, especially those posing a challenge during the period of fighting the pandemic.

The number of direct interactive sessions with doctors on social media platforms reached 10, while the number of awareness messages reached 200 health messages, and 439 visits from staff to the clinic to consult doctors and specialists. 

NBK’s Children Hospital Exceptional Measures 

In view of the current exceptional circumstances we are going through, as a result of covid-19 pandemic outbreak, NBK Hospital was quick to take all necessary precautionary measures to protect patients’ health by abiding the highest levels of occupational safety in this regard. In addition, the hospital implemented many initiatives that ensure that patients receive due treatment and consulting services without being affected by the restrictions of partial and full lockdown during the peak of the pandemic.

In this context, since last March, the bank started to provide urgent reports in Arabic to help the families of patients in cases of emergency or any technical failure, as well as to obtain an official permit from the Ministry of Interior for going out during curfew period.

The hospital also assigned a direct telephone line available around the clock for communication with the patients' parents during that period, and activated all telephone system for all hospital clinics around the clock for checking the health of those who have an appointment in each clinic and providing them with the necessary medical advice.

Furthermore, the hospital provided appointment booking/changing service for outpatient clinics via WhatsApp during working days from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. where a message with patient's information is sent to the hospital, including patient's name, file number, name of the treating doctor, civil ID number, and copy of the transfer to finalize all procedures without the need to come to the hospital.

Stem Cell Transplant 

On a related level, the hospital staff succeeded in conducting the first stem cell transplant for a 3-year-old girl, despite the challenging times of the pandemic.  The hospital team made hard efforts to prepare for the surgery, including obtaining and isolating stem cells from the patient, and undergoing surgery to remove the cancerous tumor, in addition to undergoing chemotherapy. This case is considered the first stem cell transplant conducted in Kuwait.

This achievement is the culmination of the efforts of the hospital's team, which includes specialized cadres trained according to the best international standards in providing healthcare services, which receives all kinds of support and appreciation from NBK.

It is worth mentioning that, in addition to its donation to establish the hospital, NBK contributes in supporting it by continuing to invest in developing all its units and sponsoring all its activities that go beyond treatment services to span various activities aiming to relieve the suffering of patients and their families.

Supporting Youth and Education 

LOYAC: Online Training Programs: “KON” and “Career Ready” 

NBK sponsored LOYAC’s program “Career Ready” organized by LOYAC in cooperation with HR management consultant and trainer, Amal Al Bedah, which aims to enhance the skills, capabilities and behaviors of the young workforce in the Kuwaiti labor market.

This program tailored to fresh graduates provided online virtual training, due to the exceptional circumstances of the pandemic imposing social distancing. 

The program helps young graduates with transitioning to their own career paths with the skills and knowledge required in finding their purpose and career areas needed in Kuwait labor market.

The program included training courses and workshops to introduce fresh graduates with learning career choices, sectors and industries available in Kuwait, self-marketing techniques and tools to overcome career obstacles.

In addition, NBK sponsored LOYAC’s “KON” program for entrepreneurship, which provided 6 intensive training weeks for 64 participants. Mohammad Al-Othman, GM- Consumer Banking Group at National Bank of Kuwait, participated in the closing ceremony to honor the participants as well as the LOYAC’s curators.

NBK provided its platinum sponsorship for this program as part of the bank's strategic partnership with LOYAC organizing this program for the fourth consecutive year, in cooperation with Babson College, with the aim of supporting students by motivating them to achieve leadership and innovation with projects serving the advancement of community.

More than 29 male and female interns aging from 12 to 16 years, participated in “KON” 2020 program that consisted of online training sessions, discussions, lectures and virtual workshops.


In partnership with “Creative Confidence”, NBK launched program “Tamakkan” for training fresh Kuwaiti graduates and qualifying them to the labor market. The trainees were welcomes NBK’s Executive Management and Creative Confidence’s officials.

The program was designed to accommodate 40 trainees. NBK’s participation affirms its keenness to provide unique and exceptional opportunities to Kuwaiti talents. The program ran for 10 weeks, until 20 April 2020. This program requires full commitment from trainees being a full-time job experience. NBK participated in this program as a strategic sponsor, while Creative Confidence provides trainees with training designed to enhance their skills to become active workforce.

This year, the program boasted success despite the pandemic, by using the approach of live online classes.

Awareness Campaigns

NBK launched various awareness campaigns to celebrate national, social, and international health occasions. These campaigns included National Day, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, World Diabetes Day, Mother's Day, International Day of Peace, International Day of Charity, International Nurses Day, and International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. NBK also launched Back to work campaign during COVID pandemic.

Community- RelatedIt also launched an awareness campaign among its employees about returning to work in light of the Corona pandemic.

On the level of community-related sponsorship which mainly include Bayt Abdullah for the Care of Children in Hospice (BACCH), Center 21 for Youth with Mental Disability aiming at rehabilitating, developing them as well as rectifying their behavior and mainstreaming them into the society, in addition to other humanitarian, social and educational entities. 

“Winter supplies” Campaign

NBK made an in-kind donation to Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) to support needy families as per the usual practice every Winter within “Winter supplies” Campaign. This campaign aims to offer a warm winter for more than 30 low-income families by distributing aids to secure their necessary needs to face extreme weather conditions like other families in Kuwait.

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