Is It Possible To Travel Into/Out Of Dubai? - Middle East Events.
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Monday, March 3, 2025

Is It Possible To Travel Into/Out Of Dubai?

Can you travel to and from Dubai to Canada?


This information changes almost daily. Let's look at the logistics of traveling into Dubai from Canada and out of Dubai into Canada.


To Dubai


All Canadian passengers traveling to Dubai must arrive with a negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Covid test. You must have the test done within 72 hrs of arriving in Dubai and be tested by a recognized testing facility. A swab is taken, typically through the nose, and then tested/amplified to see if even a small amount of the virus is detected. 


To Canada

With your boarding pass, you must provide a negative PCR Covid test to board a plane. There is a testing facility at the main Dubai airport; it costs 140 AED per person. Upon arriving in Canada, you’ll be tested again at the airport and then sent to your appointed quarantine hotel. You’ll wait at the hotel for your test results for 10 days and then stay in quarantine for 14 days total after arriving, provided your test results are negative. 

Is there travel support for people with disabilities?

If you are traveling to Dubai from Canada and are 12 years of age or younger or have a moderate or severe disability, you’ll be exempt from the Covid testing. Of course, your passport will determine the age exemption, but there’s no set determination of what qualifies as a disability. The Covid Disability Advisory Group (CDAG)  is always advocating on behalf of people with disabilities. Disability support from the airlines is continuously being upgraded as they want travelers to keep booking. Read more about disability Ontario

A caregiver and/or interpreter is allowed for covid testing, although it’s been fought at some centers and testing facilities. The CDAG has been adamant that anyone who needs a caregiver and/or interpreter can have one if they’re being covid tested or seeking medical care. 


Although a caregiver won’t be provided for you while traveling, you’re welcome to bring someone. If you get caught up in questioning, airport security will provide an interpreter. 

When traveling from Canada to Dubai, children aged five and under and those with severe or moderate disabilities are exempt from covid testing.


Traveling during Covid


Airlines have suffered during this pandemic, and some of them have even closed completely. The governments of Dubai and Canada have done everything possible to reopen flights and travel, making everyone safe. Governments have realized the need to support those with disabilities, and there’ve been lawsuits brought forward because of discrimination during the pandemic. 

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