Investors To Benefit From Robust Investment Regime In Saudi Arabia - Middle East Events.
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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Investors To Benefit From Robust Investment Regime In Saudi Arabia

Even before the economic and regulatory measures taken to respond to COVID-19, improvements to Saudi Arabia’s investment framework were among the topical issues explored by Zeyad Khoshaim, managing partner at Khoshaim& Associates, in an in-depth video interview he gave recently to Oxford Business Group’s online broadcasting channel, Global Platform.

Khoshaim told OBG that various reforms have been put in place, whose cumulative effect is to create a clear, strong, and efficient system to deploy and extract capital.

These reforms include expansions to the capital markets regulations, including the setup of a robust M&A framework, liberalization of rules allowing foreign investment into key areas of Saudi Arabia’s economy, and the introduction of a Saudi Arbitration Law that provided parties with added flexibility.

The full video interview is available to view

In the video, Khoshaimintroduces the sources of Saudi Arabian law, including Sharia’a and the court system, and highlights the raft of new investment opportunities that were now available to the global business community, in line with the objectives outlined in Vision 2030.

“First, in terms of form, international investors can come in and establish branches of their international corporate entities. They can also establish companies, subsidiaries, be it in the form of limited liability companies or in the form of joint-stock companies,” he said. “In terms of substance, Saudi Arabia allows trade activities to be conducted 100% by foreign investors in areas such as e-commerce, trade, general services, health care, education and so forth.”

Khoshaimvoiced his confidence that the overhaul made to the local legislative framework had provided solid foundations for investors looking to play a part in the Kingdom’s economic development.

“In my view, Saudi Arabia has created a fantastic platform, in terms of governance, transparency and protection of capital, that allows international players that are minded to invest in Saudi Arabia to ensure the safety of their investments and the growth of their capital to be preserved and to be supported in the years to come,” he said.

Marc-André de Blois, OBG’s Director of PR and Video Content, said the filmed interview with Khoshaim offered licence holders an opportunity to learn more about the far-reaching legal reforms implemented in Saudi Arabia, many of which had led to an enhanced business climate and opened up new areas of the economy to international investors.

“Saudi Arabia’s efforts to diversify its economy and boost the role of the private sector as a driver of growth are gaining ground, despite the unprecedented challenges that the world currently faces caused by the coronavirus pandemic,” he said.“Understanding the intricacies of a country’s legal framework is a key part of the decision-making process for investors. I’m delighted that we’ve been able to provide business leaders eyeing this rapidly developing market a valuable snapshot of its laws and court setups through the eyes of a local expert.”

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