How You Can Help Conserve Wildlife: 4 Simple Yet Powerful Things You Can Do - Middle East Events.
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Sunday, October 6, 2024

How You Can Help Conserve Wildlife: 4 Simple Yet Powerful Things You Can Do

Do you think of yourself as ordinary — that your actions have hardly any impact in the grand scheme of things?

Think again. You’re you, and you have what it takes to lend a hand in conserving wildlife around the world.

On this planet, all species have a role to play – each equally important in the conservation of the ecosystem it lives in. This means that humans are dependent on other species’ contributions and vice versa. In fact, one-third of the total human food sources are pollinated by bats, birds, and insects, some of which are now endangered.

Unfortunately, humans are contributing to the loss of animal life rather than to its conservation. From taking their homes to using up all the resources that could sustain wildlife populations, people are leaving many birds, insects and other species in the animal kingdom without a means to survive and thrive.

This has to change. People need to act now and start protecting wildlife habitats – not just the forests, but all other places that sustain animals.

While there are plenty of wildlife sanctuaries in Dubai that have been working to save many different animal species, you still need to do your part. To start, here are four simple yet powerful things you can do that can affect animal survival on this planet:

1.Preserve Their Habitats

The first and foremost action people need to take to protect the animals is to preserve their natural wildlife habitats. Prairies, forests, wetlands, rivers, oceans, and all other spaces in nature that serve as home to wildlife are either destroyed to make way for modernization or disappear due to pollution, deforestation, and natural disasters caused by global warming.

With all these coming into play, animals are left without a place to call home and find it near impossible to thrive, reproduce, or even keep their species alive. Remember that a threat to the habitat is a threat to animals that live in it. Start contributing to the cause by avoiding any activities that could jeopardize animal homes.

2.Adopt an Animal or Place

When you hear the word “adopt” in relation to animal conservation, chances are you’ll automatically think of bringing an animal home as a pet. But not all “adoptions” mean taking  an animal to your house to care for it.

From wild places to animals, people can “adopt” something to help wildlife conservation groups continue their quest of salvaging Mother Nature’s creations. These symbolic adoptions serve as a way for such groups to get enough funds for their programs and projects aimed towards the cause.


Don’t have money to donate? Don’t fret. You can donate your time and effort instead.

People who want to make a difference can reach out to animal conservation organizations and wildlife programs to offer a helping hand with their projects.

From rescuing wild animals to cleaning up beaches and educating visitors, there are plenty of opportunities to join environmental activities no matter where you are in the world. In fact, even joining a simple local trash clean-up drive can be a big help to the cause.

4.Be Eco-Conscious

There is an indirect link between the way people live their lives and conserving wildlife habitats. This is why many wildlife advocates promote eco-consciousness.

Being a friend to the environment can be achieved in many different ways, including through these practices:

●Conserve Energy

From driving less and turning off lights when not in use to opting for energy-efficient appliances, you can conserve energy and leave a reduced carbon footprint in the process. You can also choose to use renewable energy sources instead of relying on power plants that use coal and fossil fuels to power homes.

●Follow the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

Reduce your usage of single-use products in order to consume less of the Earth’s natural resources. Remember that the manufacture of many consumer products takes up resources and energy. When you reduce your usage, you’ll be able to leave more for the animals to use, not to mention create less trash that pollutes the ocean and soil.

Reuse anything that can still be functional in any way. Avoid throwing away things that could still be used. If you’re decluttering, choose to donate toys, clothes, and other usable items instead.

Recycle items that can no longer be used as it was intended but can still be utilized in another way. This is mostly applicable to disposable products like plastics and bottles. If you’re not sure how to recycle the items in your home, seek out help from a recycling garage near you.

●Choose Products Wisely

The way you shop also affects wildlife, albeit indirectly. When buying products, opt for those that are labeled eco-friendly as these are usually made from sustainable materials, durable, and energy-efficient.

Avoid products that can harm animals and their habitats in any way. This can range from gas-fueled vehicles to single-use plastics and disposable straws. Also, remember to avoid using chemical products like insecticides that can be harmful to nature and the creatures that live in it.

●Let the Animals Be

One of the simplest ways you can help save animals is to ignore them when they’re in their natural habitat. When you find animals on a nature trail, at the park, or near a water source, let them be. Bringing them home will only reduce their chances of survival, so it is best to leave them in their natural habitat.

If you want a keepsake of a rare species you found, take a photograph instead. Not only will it last longer, but it can also ensure that the exotic creature you discovered remains unharmed.

●Start Gardening Organically

Gardening is a good way to provide more habitats for insects and birds. However, you must make sure that you do it eco-consciously. This means you must avoid using chemical insecticides, herbicides, and fertilizers that could wreak havoc on the natural state of the ecosystem.

It Starts with You

Change is inevitable, but it won’t start without a catalyst. If you want the world to change for the better, it should begin at home – with you. Start by doing simple acts to conserve wildlife, as listed in this article, and convince others to join the cause.


Rasha El Saleh is the Conservation Education and Outreach Coordinator in the education team of Emirates Nature-WWF working on its programme, Connect with Nature. She leads the outreach and youth empowerment aspect in growing the Connect with Nature community within the UAE and providing opportunities for youth to lead in this community, in addition to supporting partnerships with vendors supporting and promoting active aspects of the programme.

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