GCC Powerhouses Gear Up For The Region's Most Exclusive Platform For Youth Empowerment - Middle East Events.
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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

GCC Powerhouses Gear Up For The Region's Most Exclusive Platform For Youth Empowerment

The region's most exclusive platform for youth empowerment, 2nd Annual GOV Youth Summit will be taking place on June 15th & 16th 2021 in Dubai, UAE in a hybrid format. Government Dignitaries, Policy Makers, the C -suite and Youth Leaders from across the GCC will be coming together to create dialogue and build the roadmap towards developing and shaping the future of the youth workforce under the age of 35, currently employed in the Government, Public and major Private sectors.

"The nature of the challenges the region faces requires the kind of optimism, energy and innovation that only the youth can offer. They must be allowed to have their say in shaping the future they want to live in" says Dr. Ruba Jaradat, the Director for Arab States at the International Labour Organization and one of the key speakers at the summit, who believes the GOV Youth Summit is the perfect platform to come up with potential policies to empower youth and promote better youth employment outcomes. Sharing similar sentiments about the importance of creating a stronger future for the youth of today is HH Sheikha Intisar AlSabah, a well-known philanthropist and author from Kuwait. "If we don't inspire the youth, if we don't empower them, basically we just destroy their country. So, for sure we have to empower, we have to inspire, we have to ensure that these youth have enough courage, confidence and stamina to keep our countries and make them great", she believes.

With the last few months being extremely challenging, there is a massive increase in developing and supporting Arab youth in spheres of education, digital & soft skills development, financial wellbeing, and most importantly mental wellness, so that they can be prepared for unprecedented times like that of the pandemic in the future. Her Highness Sayyida Basma Al Said, a well-known mental health expert in the region and Founder of Whispers of Serenity, Oman emphasized that "it is very important to talk about emotions with the youth so that they can make a better judgement regarding their happiness about the environment they work in".

From Royalties to internationally recognized leadership gurus, to distinguished policy makers, to inspiring CEOs, and to the most forward-thinking youth leaders in the region, the GOV Youth Summit has it all covered. Her Highness Princess Haifa Al Mogrin, the Delegate of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to UNESCO is heading up the Advisory Board as the Chairperson. Meanwhile Her Royal Highness Princess Sarah Al Saud, the first female marine captain in the GCC, along with Her Highness Sheikha Intisar AlSabah, Her Highness Sayyida Basma Al Said and Dr. Ruba Jaradat will be playing a pivotal role in talking about their experiences of empowering women and youth in the region.

Other exciting names confirmed as part of the Summit include Chester Elton who is the world's #2 leadership guru, Adrian Gostick, the world's #3 organizational culture guru, who will be leading an exclusive masterclass on dealing with 'Anxiety at Workplace'. Inspiring industry experts such as Rayan Fayez, Managing Director & CEO of Banque Saudi Fransi, Tomaso Rodriguez, CEO, Talabat, among many others will be sharing their expertise on the subject of future leadership. With financial wellbeing too being at the center of youth development, the likes of reputed organizations such as Dubai Islamic Bank and United Arab Bank will also be extending their support as Strategic and Supporting Partners respectively.

Ahead of the Summit, Ackash Jain, Director at QnA International, the organizers of the GOV Youth Summit feels very positive about the response received. "Youth empowerment has been one of the key points of discussion and an integral part of the national agendas for the entire region, and to further re-instate this purpose we are back with another edition of the GOV Youth Summit. With 2020 being a challenging year, there is a massive increase in developing and supporting Arab youth in spheres of education, digital & soft skills development, financial wellbeing, and mental wellness, so that they can be prepared for unprecedented times like that of the pandemic in the future. We are extremely delighted with the way the event is shaping up with some leading and highly respected names in the region extending their support towards the event" he says.

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