'Experts Talk Show' To Tackle Water Sustainability In 21st Episode - Middle East Events.
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'Experts Talk Show' To Tackle Water Sustainability In 21st Episode

Webinar to take place amid growing water shortage issue

The highly acclaimed virtual ‘Experts Talk Show,’ a social awareness platform sponsored by Salem Ahmad Almoosa Enterprises, will put the spotlight on water sustainability, a pressing global issue, when it holds its 21st episode on Tuesday, August 10, 2021.

Attracting thousands of viewers and listeners from the UAE and other Gulf nations, the popular webinar’s upcoming episode titled ‘Water Sustainability Risk & Crisis’ will tackle opportunities and challenges facing the international water sustainability movement.

Invited to shed light on the topic are leading experts Brian Richter, President of Sustainable Waters, and Dean Amhaus, Founding President and CEO of the Water Council. Alharith Almoosa, Vice Chairman of Falconcity of Wonders, is the host of the show while Jassim Al Bastaki, an economic affairs researcher, will be the session’s moderator. 

Almoosa said: “The ‘Experts Talk Show’ was launched to convene experts from different fields and disciplines for a chance to exchange insights and propose actions on issues with global impact. The 21st episode is another proof of that and will feature an interesting topic that concerns many heads of states, policymakers and leaders. It comes at a time when we are experiencing how drought, climate change and desertification, among others, are exerting pressure on our fresh water supply -- making water sustainability imperative and a top priority among countries and concerned organizations.”

“We are racing against time, and we need to find long-lasting solutions to the growing water shortage problem. Each of us has a responsibility to take to help preserve our water resources for the current and future generations. The online talk show will contribute to the ongoing discussions by helping raise the awareness of our communities in the hope of inspiring them to move. It is going to be another interesting episode,” he added.

For Richter, the latest webinar is an ideal platform to examine the progress made by the global community in advancing water sustainability.

“We need to be vigilant and proactive as we continue to implement concerted efforts to protect our precious but finite resources, including water.  While the threat of water shortage is real, creative and innovative solutions are available to us.  We can find sustainable solutions if we work together and do our part. I am delighted that the upcoming ‘Experts Talk Show’ episode will highlight this significant issue, and I am looking forward to sharing my knowledge and insights with my fellow guests and the viewers,” Richter said. 

For his part, Amhaus remarked: “Climate change is further compounding the global water crisis, with immense socio-economic impact. The global community should explore new technologies and water stewardship approaches in support of relevant policies and programs. This is one of the ways for us to address our mutual water challenges and seize on opportunities to do better.  The time to act is now, and I see the ‘Experts Talk Show’ as a platform that will add value to the current international water sustainability initiatives. I am looking forward to exploring this topic in the upcoming episode.”  

Viewers can watch the webinar at . They may also visit the ‘Experts Talk Show’ website to access past videos and learn about the upcoming events.

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