Englease.com_To Help 1 Million Arabs - Middle East Events.
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Monday, March 3, 2025

Englease.com_To Help 1 Million Arabs

1- *Why English is increasingly becoming the go-to language for workplaces around the globe*

As more and more local and small time businesses are able to offer their services and products to a global audience, we start to see a shift towards using a single standardized language. We're already well aware that English is the most commonly spoken language worldwide, especially considering some of the biggest markets (The US and Western Europe) primarily conduct business in English. However, more and more businesses in countries where English is not the primary language are also switching to English in order to keep up with the rest of the world. It isn't enough to "just know" English in a basic sense anymore, it's all about mastering it. From the lowest ranking employees to the person at the top of the pyramid, your communication skills have to be up to be par with the new world standard.

2- *The hidden world of freelance*

How freelance, which was always a somewhat niche market, has now grown considerably in size. The pandemic, combined with increasing accessibility across the world, has positioned people in the Arab world to better capitalize on working at home, on their own terms, for a business that could be on the other side of the globe. The biggest markets (like the US) are prime targets. The lower cost of living allows people in the Arab world to provide their services at a competitive price, and technology has made remote work the new norm. Only thing that's missing is the language barrier (we can cite how the English proficiency rate in the Middle East is among the lowest worldwide, and how it is the biggest barrier for entering remote freelancing work).

3- *The myth of communication skills*

There is this age old trope where being fluent and knowing how to speak eloquently and communicate your ideas in an attractive manner essentially makes people perceive you to be smarter and more confident. You look more confident, so you feel more confident. We can also talk about how that's especially true in the diverse work culture of the modern day. 

4- *Why E-learning is the future when it comes to training employees*

Essentially, any industry is bound to improve and become more efficient with time, partly due to innovation and partly due to technology.

Education is no different, especially training and upskilling employees.

Especially now that Covid has fundamentally changed how we do business. Things like an in-office seminar or workshop are becoming increasingly difficult to rely on, especially for larger businesses with multiple firms. Earlier, online learning wasn't attractive mostly because it was very amateur and inefficient. After covid, the quality of available online learning material has shot up dramatically. Businesses are saving money and reducing logistical hassle, at the same time getting better results from online training due to its accessibility and ease of use.

Bio below :

Omar is a known tech entrepreneur, growing social media personality, corporate veteran and the founder and CEO of, the region's most effective online English language school, offering Live (synchronous) , Unlimited and Accredited English classes around the clock. is poised to become the premier ESL Teaching platform in the MENA region. 

Omar has been featured in various media articles in Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine and Gulf-News and received many accolades such "Start-up of the year" and "Entrepreneur of the week"  

Omar holds an MBA from London Business School and has had a very successful corporate-level career in Learning & Development and Sales Management with multinational companies such as Siemens, Nokia and Microsoft where he led both regional and global business units, achieving sales targets that exceeded $100 million dollars and leading L&D functions responsible for upskilling over 15,000 people. 

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