Band Score Calculation In IELTS Writing - Middle East Events.
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Band Score Calculation In IELTS Writing

If you wish to pass your IELTS exam, you must have enough preparation, know the structure of the test and very important point that you must know the calculation of your overall marks. This is important as you should clearly know which question has more importance and contains more marks and the IELTS training center in Dubai can surely help you with that. Now, we have gathered a proper guide to let you know that how your IELTS test marks are calculated. This marks calculation is for the IELTS academic module and mainly about writing tasks where most of the candidates lose their marks. Keep reading to improve your IELTS preparation.

Filling the requirement of the task

You must complete the task in a proper way so that you can avail of the opportunity to gain the marks and improve your band score. Now, if we talk about the requirement of the task, it means that you should have an understanding of the conditions of the task and what is actually asked in the task and what you are going to represent to solve the query. This will produce an impression of your overall exam presentation on your examiner. 

Selecting what information to present

Fulfilling the requirements of the question paper is important but you have to be very particular in selecting which information has to be written in the solution. You have to take care of the fact that you have to pen down the minor data as well as the main theme of the answer. It is not a clever way just to add the main knowledge and ignore the little details. Also, you can not waste your time addressing the additional details which can be skipped. So, perform the tasks in an intelligent way and make sure to select useful information and make sure not to misuse your time. Taking any IELTS preparation course will help you prepare for your exam.

Presenting an overview

It is a clever way to solve the graph that you present a one-liner or an overview of the graph. IELTS exam needs a bit of technique and intelligence and you will pass the test with a higher score and 7 plus band. If you write down the description of the graph or the chart in task 1 as per the task is mentioned, it will determine your understanding of what is asked in task 1 and what are you going to solve. If you don’t write the description of task 1, you may lose marks. Ask the tutors at the IELTS training center in Dubai about more tips to clear the exam.

Control over grammar, spelling & Range of vocabulary

When you start writing your tasks 1 or even task 2, you must be very particular about the spelling and the sentence structure. You must know that the spelling and grammatical mistakes are not tolerated in the writing tasks while performing the IELTS. Also, try to be creative with the selection of words and make sure to use a wide range of vocabulary with new words. Take the IELTS course in Dubai and practice for your exam. The practice and the daily learning of new words out of the dictionary will help the candidates in the examination to add new words while presenting your tasks.

Presenting key features

When you have read the requirements of the task and you exactly know the solution of the query, you should mention all the key points or the features to verify the efficiency of your task performance. If you want to improve your IELTS, you have to save your marks by applying the techniques and you will get the requirements for sure.

Organization of information

When you are preparing for IELTS writing and you want to score in the exam, you must work on the organization of the information while writing the task. You have to work in a proper way so that you may collect the information properly and present it accordingly. The candidates should join the IELTS course in Dubai for further guidance.

All the IELTS candidates should keep these important calculations in mind when taking the exam. These tips and the IELTS preparation course will surely allow you to score better in the IELTS and candidates may pass the test in a very first attempt. The candidates may join the  IELTS training center in Dubai for preparing themselves better for the IELTS.

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