Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fundpartners With Discovery Education To Deliver High-Quality Online Learning To Thousands Of Refugees And Vulnerable Youth In Lebanon - Middle East Events.
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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fundpartners With Discovery Education To Deliver High-Quality Online Learning To Thousands Of Refugees And Vulnerable Youth In Lebanon

The Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fund(REF) has announceda new first of its kind partnership with Discovery Education todeliver award winning online learning, increasing access to educationforthousands of refugees and vulnerable youth inLebanon.

The Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Covid-19 Online Learning Emergency Fund for Refugee Education,was launched by H.E. Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair in April 2020to ensure vulnerable populations are able to continue their learning without interruption. This partnership with Discovery Education will help fill the educational gaps that have emerged because of the COVID -19 crisis. This program will reach 5,000 at-risk students in addition to over 17,500 students already being helped by REF in Jordan, Lebanon, and the UAE.

As part of the partnership with the Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fund, and for the first time ever, Discovery Education will collaborate with local organizations in Lebanon to provide accessto a high-quality digital learning resources aligned tothe Lebanese curriculum for students in Grade 8 – 12. This partnership is a component of the Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fund’s effort to help 5,000 refugees and marginalized youth communities transition to Grades 9 and 12 and give them a chance to succeed when sitting the critical Lebanese national examinations

Discovery Educationwill also provide Professional Learningto100 teachers to address the challenges of remote instruction, enabling them to access a diverse set of new digital tools to help them deliver online lessons to students effectively. Through a series of online workshops, including but not limited to remoteclassroom management, effective teaching strategies for enhancing learning with digital resources will be offered. Participating teachers will also become part of Discovery Educator Network, anonline community of practice comprised ofeducators from all over the globe.

The Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Covid-19 Online Learning Emergency Fund for Refugee Education will also provide students access to devices and internet connections to ensure their Discovery Education experience is not obstructed by any technical difficulty or lack of equipment.

As students in Lebanon continue to face multi-faceted challenges with an unprecedented high risk of dropping out of school, this first of its kind partnership between Discovery Education and The Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fund comes in a timely manner.

The increase in dropouts from secondary education amongst refugees is alarming, whereby less than2% of Syrian refugees complete their secondary education. This program will help students catch up on the education they have missed – onand off since October 2019 – through interactive and creative online tools and pedagogies.

H.E Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair, Chairman of Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundation for Education and founder of the Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair Refugee Education Fundsaid:“The economic crisis followed by the pandemic and the devasting blast in Beirut has forced Lebanon to adapt to a new challenging reality. We are proud of this partnership with Discovery Education as digital education is the new go to solution for education, this program ensures refugees and vulnerable youth have effective access to high quality education that they would not have otherwise.”

Robin Headlee, managing director of Discovery Education International said: “Refugees and vulnerable youth in Lebanon have faced unprecedented challenges over the last year, which have posed several risks to their access to education. We strongly believe that no child or young person’s education should be halted due to external factors which are beyond their control. That’s why we are doing our part to ensure these young people have the opportunity to continue their education online, in order for them catch-up on their development and not be held back in the future.I am delighted that what started out as a kernel of an idea by two like-minded organisation has resulted in this practical, proactive and tangible project.”

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