7 Indications That Tell You It's Time To Sell Your Car - Middle East Events.
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Thursday, March 6, 2025

7 Indications That Tell You It's Time To Sell Your Car

Owning a car is almost everyone’s dream; a major motivator that pushes us to wake up every morning and drag ourselves to work. In the typical cycle of the working-class human’s life, we reach our milestone of purchasing a car after a few years of slogging and saving up from our pay checks.

And then comes the day, when we finally lay our hands on the vehicle that inspires mixed emotions and elevates our status in society to a whole new level; not to forget the convenience that comes with owning a private vehicle.

Owning a car, whether new or second-hand, is an investment we make in the hope that it will last us forever. However, we tend to forget that it’s a machine after-all and that with time, will come damage and the end of its life cycle.

Given the convenience of companies and stores that buy and sell cars too, our jobs have been made easier with the plethora of options that one can choose from. For big cities and growing economies, it’s as easy as googling, for example “How to sell a car in Dubai” and limitless options pop up, that offer solutions suited to our requirement. Carswitch is one of the most recommended choices in the region. Be it the most competitive selling price for our old car, or the various exchange offers pouring in from various platforms; letting go and upgrading to a better car has become available at our fingertips today. So pick up the key, get the dear old car started and take it out for the last drive before you bring home a new toy better suited for your life.

No matter how well a car is taken care of, at some point, the wear and tear of the vehicle will compel us to think of replacing it with a new car or other used car; which brings us to this – It is imperative to identify and understand the right timing of selling our car and moving forward to another one. What are the things that we need to look out for that signal this red flag to us? Listed below are some things we should all watch out for:

  1. The Check Engine Light? – if the “check engine light” is always on, no matter how many times the car has been fixed, then it’s the vehicle’s cry for help.
  2. Is maintenance unusually high? – If the cost of maintaining your car is extremely high and, in some cases, surpasses the EMIs that might have been paid for it, then it’s time to sell the car and move on. High maintenance never justifies the depreciating value of an old vehicle barely hanging in there for dear life and not fulfilling its purpose.
  3. Has the Family outgrown the car? – There are chances that the first car may have become a part of your single life or it could be something you bought as a young couple. But as the family grows, upgrading to a bigger, roomier car (whether new or second-hand) becomes an inevitable move for the safety and comfort of our family.
  4. Are the repair costs superseding the car’s value? – If the costs of repairing your car to keep it running are abnormally high and exceed the already depreciated value of the car, it’s time to heed the red flag and let go of the old fellow.
  5. Are safety standards intact? – Over the years, the automobile industry has seen paradigm shifts in technology and safety standards that has become a mandate. If your car does not keep up to safety standards anymore, you know what to do.
  6. Is your car breaking down often? - If your car has started breaking down very frequently, this is the biggest indication that you need to change your car!
  7. Have Your Needs Changed? - No longer need the sports car or the SUV that you very fondly bought for yourself? Do you now feel the need to upgrade to a minivan or a hatchback? This is the sign for you to sell your car.

If the answer to one or more questions above is a yes, we ought to give serious consideration to changing our car.

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