1.7 Million followers of NBK's social media pages - Middle East Events.
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1.7 Million followers of NBK's social media pages

200,000 new followers in 2020, up by 13% annually

We provided a wide-ranging content for all followers’ segments during these exceptional circumstances, and their interactions exceeded 3.2 millions.

Through our pages, we aim to attract customers, communicate directly with them, and support all the bank’s business units.

Over the years, we succeeded in implementing the bank’s strategy, which aims to make NBK “Closer to Its Customers”

The popularity of our pages reflects our keenness to pick out engaging content that manifests NBK’s leading role

We launched digital solutions to support customers and help them make their transactions through the bank’s website during the lockdown period

The year 2020 witnessed many changes, imposing a new reality of the inevitable dependence on electronic communication and digital channels. National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) was fully prepared for these changes, relying on its strategy "Closer to Its Customers" that succeeded in consolidating the bank's leading position on social media platforms, which NBK was proactive to adopt since at early stages, as a means of interacting with its customers.

These relentless efforts resulted in an increase in the number of followers of all NBK social media pages to 1.7 millions, up by 13% compared to last year, with 200,000 new followers during this year.

The content of NBK social media pages witnessed remarkable interaction all year round, as the number of interactions growing by 8% annually to reach 4 millions, compared to 3.7 millions for last year, thus maintaining the major share among the social media pages of all banks.

Regarding NBK Website, which is one of the key channels for communication with customers and making their transactions, it saw high interest during the year, as site visits increased by 93.24% compared to last year, bringing total visits to 3.2 million visits, with a daily average of about 30 thousand visits, whereas customers’ site browsing increased, with the number of pages visited boosting by 40% compared to last year.

Commenting on the accomplishments made throughout the year, Abdul-Mohsen Al-Rushaid, Assistant General Manager of Communications Department at National Bank of Kuwait said, "The exceptional circumstances prevailing in the whole world during 2020 imposed new changes and challenges that could only be dealt with by those who are well-prepared. Over long years, we succeeded in implementing the bank’s strategy aiming to make NBK “Closer to Its Customers”, by relying mainly on digital channels, on top of which are the bank’s social media pages.”

Al-Rushaid emphasized the success of NBK social media pages during the exceptional circumstances and the lockdown in providing wide-ranging content targeting all segments of followers, varying from awareness, support of the front-liners and the bank’s employees, and combating rumors, which brought the number of followers’ interactions during that period to over 3.2 millions.

"The success and popularity of the bank’s social media pages reflects our keenness to pick out engaging content that manifests the bank’s leading role, and the fact that our pages are the fastest in responding to customers around the clock," he pointed out.

Al-Rushaid added: "The role of social media pages of leading institutions is evolving beyond just being a platform for publishing the bank’s news, as they play a key role in spreading banking awareness, soliciting customers, direct communication with them, and coordinating with all the bank’s business units to support their various activities."

As to the bank's website, Al-Rushaid noted that in 2020, we focused on launching digital solutions for key banking services during the lockdown period through the bank’s website, such as applying for a credit card, as well as soft loans for corporate and SME banking customers.

NBK is constantly updating the content of its social media pages, ranging from educational and media awareness campaigns, in addition to engaging content and challenge competitions that give followers the opportunity to enter a draw to win valuable prizes and exceptional rewards.

It is worth mentioning that NBK’s presence spans various social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube, underscoring its keenness to keep pace with all developments to meet its customers’ needs and wishes, in addition to its constant endeavors to optimize its communication with followers on these platforms.

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