The Dubai Business Women Council Raises Its Members’ Awareness On VAT Laws

The Dubai Business Women Council (DBWC) recently organized a second training seminar on the topic of Value Added Tax (VAT), in cooperation with Metis Management Consultancy. The seminar, which was held at the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry headquarters, is part of the council’s efforts to enhance the knowledge of its members on the latest topics and issues related to business and entrepreneurship.

Based on the success of the first session on VAT laws that was held at the beginning of the year, a second repeat session was organized for the members of the council to raise awareness on the application of VAT and its impact on businesses, in addition to educating them on the optimal way to implement the new VAT laws.

The seminar was facilitated by Grant T. Huxham, who has over 25 years’ experience working with private equity investors and corporates across a broad range of sectors. The seminar was also attended by a large number of business women who wanted to benefit from the information that was reviewed on the topic of Value Added Tax (VAT), in order to understand the tax rules and the ways of complying with them.The Dubai Business Women Council organized this seminar as part of its commitment to hold training sessions and workshops that enhance the members’ competitiveness in the country’s labour market, in addition to keeping them informed on the latest changes in the business community and raising their awareness on the legal requirements that are related to implementing the tax laws.

The seminar reviewed several topics that relate to the impact of VAT on businesses, which included implementing VAT laws, understanding how the VAT is different from the General Sales Tax, safeguarding against fraudulent practices, and managing working capital with banking providers.

Nadine Halabi, Business Development Manager at the Dubai Business Women Council, stated that organizing the two seminars this year on the influence of VAT on businesses reflects the keenness of the council to bring awareness to its members on issues that relate to the current business landscape. She noted that complying with the rules and regulations of VAT opens vast doors for companies to succeed.

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