The 2nd HIV Summit In Dubai

The2ndHIVSummitintheMiddleEastaccredited by the Health Authority of Abu Dhabi and supported by Gilead Sciences has seen over100international and Middle EastexpertsconveneinDubaion December 15 and 16, 2017. The Summit, entitled ‘Today’s Choices – Tomorrow’s Health’discussedrecent updates and developments in the field of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)intheregion.

Dr.Samer El-Ali, Medical Director, Gilead Sciences Eastern Europe and Middle East stated:“For the second consecutive year, HIV Summit gathered leading infectious disease experts committed to the exchange of know-how and best practices focused on HIV management. Our ambition is to provide healthcare community in the Middle East a platform for continuous education on the effective HIV treatment, which leads to the better support for the people affected by HIV across the region.”

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