SME Talk Explores E-Commerce Future In The UAE

Under the theme “Post-Covid-19 E-commerce, new era, new trends”, the initiative of the Small & Medium Enterprises Talk ‘SME Talks’ organized a webinar on the future of the E-commerce in the UAE, means of enhancing the micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME) working in this field, and the importance of public and private initiatives in supporting home trade and retail sector to move toward the digital transformation.

Sponsored by the Emirates Trade Centre, the webinar was moderated by Walid Hareb Al Falahi, the CEO of Dubai Consultancy, in the presence of Mohsen Ahmad, CEO of Dubai South – Logistics District, Fahim Al-Zubaidi, CEO and co-founder of the E-commerce platform ‘kiosks’, and Sarmad AL-Zadjaly. CEO of Tawseel Group, a food delivery company headquartered in Sharjah.

The event touched on the significance of the E-commerce and the business sectors working in this domain and its role in stimulating entrepreneurs to penetrate this vital field, especially in light of its low operational costs.

Walid Hareb Al Falahi said, “In 2019, the E-commerce volume has amounted to AED 59 billion and is expected to grow by 600% by the end of this year, thanks to the adoption of the UAE Government to the E-payment on various platforms and the tremendous growth of it in other categories such as fast-food restaurants and transportation, enabling the E-commerce to maintain its distinctive position in the UAE.”

For his part, Mohsen Ahmad said: “The E-commerce zone “EZ Dubai” of Dubai South – Logistics District seeks to support the E-commerce entrepreneurs and retailers by providing an appropriate workplace with a host of business solutions for startups and SME, innovation labs, and business incubators, as well as providing advanced work mechanisms for logistics and activities.

Fahim Al-Zubaidi spoke about home trade and the notable growth of this sector in the UAE, thanks to the abundance of sophisticated smart platforms that support the economic and social development and encourage community members to start their own home trade projects.

In turn, Sarmad AL-Zadjaly highlighted the pioneering experience of ‘Tawseel’ in the delivery services and its eagerness to enhance its competitiveness in the E-commerce sector owing to the spike in making purchases via a third party to save time and effort.

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