Saudi 2027 Bid Praises ‘Team Effort’ In Production Of Bid Book For AFC Asian Cup 2027

Ahead of an important month, the leaders of Saudi Arabia’s bid to host the AFC Asian Cup 2027 took time out of their day yesterday to commend all those who contributed to the production of the Bid Book.

On behalf of HRH Prince Abdulaziz bin TurkiAlfaisal, the Sports Minister of Saudi Arabia, and Yasser Almisehal, President of the Saudi Arabian Football Federation, an event was held at the King Fahd International Stadium in Riyadh to express gratitude for all the hard work been done, and provide an outlook for future preparations of the bid.

With the decision for the host of the AFC Asian Cup 2027 due next year, the technical Bid Book forms an important backbone of the bidding process and has been prioritised by the Saudi 2027 bid team, with advanced plans for how to deliver its vision.

The bid of Saudi Arabia was officially launched in September, with the slogan of ‘Forward for Asia’ representing the bid’s ambition to use the AFC Asian Cup 2027 to renew and expand the momentum created from other football competitions in Asia.

The bid has placed particular emphasis on using the Asian Cup as a platform to advance football development for all of the AFC’s 47 Member Associations.

Reflecting on the event, HRH Prince Abdulaziz bin TurkiAlfaisal said, “On behalf of the Saudi Arabian government, it is my great pleasure to extend my sincere gratitude to all those who have worked on our Bid Book since the start of the year. As the Kingdom continues to make important developments with our national Vision 2030, the opportunity to host the AFC Asian Cup in 2027 would be the pride of our nation, and one that will have a truly significant impact on Asian football. With the support of His Majesty King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and HRH Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince, I am very pleased that we have prepared a truly elite and comprehensive Bid Book to submit to the AFC. I look forward to continuing our efforts to bring the tournament to Saudi Arabia for the first time in our history.”

Yasser Almisehal added, “Today marks the closing of one chapter in our journey, but the exciting opening of another new chapter. With the completion of our Bid Book, which will be formally submitted to the AFC in the coming weeks, we are ideally set up for a successful bid to host the Asian Cup in 2027. Our ambition is clear: To host a next generation tournament that inspires, unifies and excites football fans and leaders from across Asia like never before, and we look forward to providing more details on how we propose to achieve this over the coming months.”

According to AFC regulations, the Bid Books for all contending bids for the hosting rights of the AFC Asian Cup must be submitted by 18th December. For further information on the bid of Saudi Arabia please visit or email