Montegrappa Writing Prize 2018 Awards Five New Writers From The GCC

 Five aspiring writers from the GCC were recognised at the annual Montegrappa Writing Prize award ceremony, held by the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature. The Prize is considered one of the most successful writing competitions in the region, with eight past winners and runners-up already becoming internationally published writers.

Winners received their awards from top UK literary agent at Luigi Bonomi Associates (LBA), Luigi Bonomi and Festival 2018 authors Jessica Jarlvi and Karen Osman, both of whom are previous winners of the Montegrappa Writing Prize.

The Winners:

  1. Winner – Jillian Fox (Otherworld)
  2. First runner-up – Johara Almogbel (The Nothing File)
  3. Second runner-up – Catriona Riordan (Echo)
  4. Third runner-up – John Weston (Where The Mountains Kiss The Sun)
  5. Fourth runner-up – Eric Hilgendorf (Hard Water)

The 10th Emirates Airline Festival of Literature continues till 10 March with more sessions, panels and workshops for all age groups. Tickets can be purchased at the Festival website ( or via the ELF Dubai app, available on the iOS and Google Play app stores and at Magrudy’s outlets around the UAE. Become a Foundation Friend loyalty member and enjoy benefits throughout the year, including priority booking and discounts on select Festival tickets, as well as exclusive discounts at several retail outlets in the UAE.

More information about the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature can be found online. Fans can keep up to date with #DubaiLitFest action on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube and year-round news of #ELFDubai on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat.

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