H.E. Sarah Al Amiri Celebrates Women In MedTech This International Women’s Day

Her Excellency Sarah BintYousif Al Amiri, the Minister of State for Advanced Sciences, today celebrated women in the UAE and across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region who are making their mark in the medical technologies, or MedTech, and Health Sciences sector. Speaking at a special breakfast held on International Women’s Day by Mecomed – the medical devices, imaging and diagnostics trade association in MENA –  Her Excellency championed the role of women working across Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology (STEM) industries, and singled out the significant impact women in MedTech were making to health and wellbeing in the region.

Speaking to an audience of close to 100 invited guests including some of the region’s most senior female leaders in MedTech and health sciences from the public and private sectors, Her Excellency delivered the opening keynote address at the Forum. In her speech, she highlighted how unleashing the potential of women working in the sector would enhance standards of healthcare for all, and help to deliver on the UAE 2021 Vision to provide world-class healthcare for citizens and residents.

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