Etisalat Award For Arabic Children’s Literature Announces July 31 As Deadline For Online Submissions In YA Category

The UAE Board on Books for Young People (UAEBBY) has announced July 31, Tuesday, as the cut-off date for publishers who are sending in online entries to compete in the ‘Young Adult Book of the Year’ category of the 10th Etisalat Award for Arabic Children’s Literature (EA).

The UAEBBY has called on publishers of Arabic language books in the UAE and abroad who cater to the YA category (13–18years age group) to immediately submit the electronic versions of the work they want to nominate for the 10th edition of the award.

Organised by the UAEBBY and sponsored by Etisalat Group, the Etisalat Award is one of the most prominent recognitions of outstanding achievements in children’s literature in the Arab world.

Authors and publishers keen to participate can visit www.etisalataward.aeto learn about the details of the competition and terms and conditions of entry. Eligibility criteria includes that submitted books must not have previously received a local, Arab or international award, and must be published in Arabic. Books submitted for the ‘Adult Book of the Year’ category are eligible to compete only if they were first published less than five years ago.

Physical submissions to the Etisalat Award across its various categories can be made until August 31. Application packets to be sent to the UAEBBY office at the following address:
Al Qasba, Block D, First Floor, Office 45, UAE, Sharjah P.O. Box: 1421, Tel +971 6 5542111, Fax +971 6 5542345. Email:

The Etisalat Award’s net worth is AED 1.2 AED million, which is distributed among six prize categories including ‘Children’s Book of the Year’ worth AED 300,000, distributed equally between the author, illustrator and publisher; ‘Young Adult Book of the Year’worth AED 200,000 split equally between the author and publisher.

Categories Best Text, Best Illustration, Best Production and Digital Book App of the Year are worth AED 100,000 each. An additional AED 300,000 is dedicated to organising workshops to what is called the Warsha programme, which was conceptualised by EA to build Arab people’s capacities in writing and illustration and to discover and foster a new generation of Arab talent in children’s books.

Launched in 2009, the Etisalat Award, one of the most important and prestigious awards, is aimed at encouraging Arab authors and illustrators to produce more high-quality Arabic children’s books, in terms of text, design and layout, by recognizing and honouring the creative productions of the best authors, illustrators and publishers in the children’s book industry. It also aims to enhance a culture of reading and instilling a love of Arabic books in children’s minds.

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