Dubai ‘Walks The World’ To End Child Hunger

Under the patronage of UN Messenger of Peace and Chairperson of International Humanitarian City (IHC), HRH Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein, wife of HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, End Hunger, Walk the World UAE 2010 took place on June 4, with 1,500 walkers turning up to raise awareness and funds.

The event, which took place at The Dubai Mall, saw UAE residents walking a planned route around the mall for one hour, raising approximately AED 43,000 for the UN World Food Programmes (WFP) school feeding programme and UAE Red Crescents education initiatives.

For the many that participated, they were presented with a variety of fun activities and gifts.

Those that registered and donated money towards the cause received t-shirts and caps from TNT Express and Unilever gift packs to remember the day.

Face painters and balloon artists entertained children and adults alike.

TNT Express and Unilever, and the local supporters from International Humanitarian City, the UAE Red Crescent and The Dubai Mall, were very pleased with the turn out.

Speaking at the start of the event Makiya Al Hajiri, CEO of International Humanitarian City said, “It is our privilege at IHC to support and enable humanitarian aid to reach the world. This activity is testament to what we can achieve if we come together, as one. We are proud of the spirit and generosity shown by UAE residents today. Your contributions will go a very long way to help those in need.”

Mageed Yahia, the officer in charge for the WFP, “Seventy-five countries around the world are participating in the End Hunger – Walk the World event this year. The event which aims to raise awareness and funds for the school meals programmes is a result of close collaboration with global partners, such as nutrition and life-science specialists DSM, express delivery company TNT, and consumer goods company Unilever. This year in Dubai, the campaign was honoured by the support of International Humanitarian City and the UAE Red Crescent.”

“For most of us it is hard to imagine the difficulties that some of these children face every day”, added Mark Woodcock, Sale and Commercial Director of TNT Express (UAE), “but we hope that the money we raise today will help keep these important WFP activities going over the coming year. When you combine the great UAE effort with the other walks around the world, we hope this will be a winning year for WFP.”

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