Eon Dental Predicts Exponential Growth In The Regional Dental Market For The Next Decade

Headquartered in Amman, Jordan and founded in 2011, Eon Dental is a full-service clear aligner company with a worldwide distribution network and reputation for exceptional clear aligner products. Over the past decade, Eon Dental has provided specialized services that make it easier for clinicians to provide aligners at a fraction of what they once were.

According to a recent report by Data Bridge Market Research, the Middle East & Africa Dental Aligners Market is expected to reach USD 277.83 million by 2028 from what was USD 110.09 million in 2020, and growing with a CAGR of 6.6% in the forecast period as of last year (2021) to 2028, highlighting the tremendous growth of this industry. The report also focuses on the increasing demand for the dental aligners market and the strong necessity for the continuous development and launch of new products in the market to keep us with this demand.

The growth in this industry has been attributed in large part to the increased awareness of people and professionals acknowledging the importance of investing in innovation and technology in order to build experiences and tools that enable the healthcare professionals to provide the best care and value to their patients and enabling clinicians to treat confidently and effectively.

Qais Sabri, Co-Founder and CEO of Eon Dental commented, “​​Advancements in technology have helped every industry and the dental industry is no exception. With constant research and new developments in technology, (procedures) across the industry have become less invasive and more (beneficial) for both patients and healthcare professionals. The dental industry is no different, and exceptional new and improved solutions are allowing doctors to provide top medical care to patients across the world and are seeing a much higher success rate’.

He added: ‘It is crucial for people worldwide to invest in the necessary technology and provide the best possible services to their clients to ensure their long term health and well-being. Even as short as ten years ago, clinical records, visits and procedures were a lot more invasive, expensive and time-consuming. Everything from surgical procedures, to cancer research, and reduced hospital readmissions have been enhanced significantly. Best practices within organizations are forever changing and the future of healthcare lies with doctors working hand-in-hand with the technology and MedTech companies to be able to deliver the best possible care now, and stay ahead of the game with constant changes.”

Eon Dental continues to see the company’s accelerated growth and will focus on the continued drive for top-line growth, increased supply chain capacity and accelerated product development through technology and clinical innovation. Together, with a team of 300+, Eon will continue to bring relevant industry experience both internationally and regionally across Jordan, Europe, the US, and an even larger focus on growing their United Arab Emirates and KSA network.