PwC’s Academy Brings Internationally Recognised VAT Diploma To Oman

As Oman gears up for VAT implementation, organisations are facing a skills shortage of qualified tax professionals. To support businesses in implementing the nation’s new tax regime, PwC’s Academy, the talent and skills development business of PwC, has launched the Oman VAT Compliance Diploma. Designed for professionals to navigate the new tax legislation, this globally recognised diploma, awarded by the Association of Taxation Technicians (ATT), covers the principles of VAT and in-depth knowledge and application of the GCC framework.

Run in partnership with Tolley, the leading worldwide provider of practical tax training, the programme will deliver comprehensive training for finance managers and tax professionals responsible for administration of VAT, and for those in a VAT regulatory role in both public and private sectors.

Amanda Line, Partner, PwC’s Academy said: “Our role at PwC’s Academy is to facilitate the upskilling needs in the region, particularly during this time of rapid change in tax policies. We have helped businesses prepare for VAT introductions across the UAE and KSA, and the diploma has played a key role in ensuring professionals have a clear understanding of the requirements.  Extending this qualification to specialised professionals in Oman will deliver the same for this market.”

The VAT diploma is delivered by highly experienced tax professionals and is a modular format, split into four manageable sections to accommodate the demanding schedule of working professionals. 2300+ professionals have earned this globally recognised certification in the GCC till date.

Register for an Awareness Webinar on 14 April to understand how PwC’s Oman VAT ComplianceDiploma can benefit you and your finance and tax team or find more information here.

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