5th Global Family Medicine Scientific Alliance Meeting Held Virtually Yesterday

The 5th Global Family Medicine Scientific Alliance Meeting was successfully held virtually yesterday.
During the Global Family Medicine Scientific Alliance Meeting, doctors and specialists, representing several healthcare institutions and organizations from the GCC and the world, discussed several topics, including the role of GFMSA and its vision, IFM Scientific Program briefing, and ended the meeting with recommendations and suggestions given by the members on the importance and the future of Family Medicine.

The virtual meeting began with a welcome speech delivered by Dr. Abdul Salam Al Madani, Executive Chairman of IFM and GFMSA, who said: “On behalf of the Global Family Medicine Scientific Alliance, I would like to welcome you all to this annual meeting. Although the world was on hold for two years due to the Covid pandemic, gradually, things are returning to normal, and we are going to commence with IFM Conference and Exhibition 2021 at Dubai World Trade Center.”

Additionally, Dr. Abdul Salam extended his appreciation and congratulations to the doctors and specialists in Family Medicine, mentioning that it is the most crucial healthcare sector.

He added: “We need to focus on the future of Family Medicine and how it would look going forward. Our event focuses on how we can support the community of primary healthcare in the world.”

From her side, Dr. Manal Taryam, Executive Chairperson, GFMSA, said: “The Coronavirus pandemic has led to marked policy changes across various fronts. When the World Health Organization (WHO) announced Covid-19 as a pandemic, the priority was to keep everyone safe, especially the most vulnerable in our community, the elderly, and the chronically ill; physical distancing and lockdown forced health systems into a new way of working. Some of these policies, such as telehealth, had been advocated for years and even implemented in some settings, were quickly welcomed. However, the disruption was massive, not limited to policies; it extended to involve the evolution of health services. Primary care became the main gamechanger in the control of public health emergencies. We are all familiar with the services delivered – testing, screening, diagnosing, and managing diseases; but what primary care achieved in Dubai was indeed a success story. From managing and implementing travel protocols in the world’s largest airport, primary care managed to provide over 7 Million PCR tests since the pandemic and obtained world-class recognition through JCI accreditation during the pandemic at the airport medical centers.”

She continued: “Primary care also managed to build the first laboratory in an airport. This laboratory is currently at Terminal 2, where it serves the aviation community. Whether passengers or the aviation staff, or visitors, they all get complimentary testing at Dubai Airport. Testing was also part of the primary care at the healthcare centers and dedicated fever clinics, Covid assessment centers (so far has provided medical services to over 63,000 members of the community in Dubai alone). Maintaining a smooth service line for reference and handover responsibilities was also a significant contribution to primary care. Our dental care staff stepped in to manage the Covid-19 command and control center, becoming responsible for notification, tracking, tracing, reporting at an operational level. Primary care represented by Family Medicine staff planned, launched, and managed the first and largest Covid-19 field hospital in the region, with a bed capacity of 3,000. The field hospital provided services to patients with acute, severe and moderate Covid disease. A new service was recently added to the many achievements in Family Medicine and primary care, the long Covid or post-Covid clinic.

She added: “As the country announces the success of the vaccination campaign by recording 94.8% of the population who have received the first dose of the vaccine and 84.4% of the people fully vaccinated, we are very proud of the accomplishments made by family physicians and colleagues of primary care.”
In her speech, Dr. Ibtesam Al Bastaki, IFM Executive Scientific Chairperson, discussed the topics to be covered during the International Family Medicine Conference and Exhibition- IFM: “Despite the challenges, we made IFM Conference and Exhibition quite different from the previous years. This year, we have distinguished topics that focus on the Covid-19 pandemic, its impact on the population, economy, and vaccination.”

She continued: “In addition, we will be discussing issues related to Gastro, screening program for colorectal and colorectal cancer, diabetes, chronic diseases and mental health management. Moreover, we will be holding discussions related to Men Health for the first time.”
Furthermore, she said: “Post pandemic, there has been a rise in digital health and telehealth, and various representatives will be talking about innovative technologies that can help the primary health care setup.”

The virtual event concluded with recommendations and suggestions by the doctors and various health representatives.
The Global Family Medicine Scientific Alliance – GFMSA was established in 2014 as an initiative issued by the International Family Medicine Conference and Exhibition- IFM to promote Family Medicine Education through science, dialogue and networking.

The 8th edition of International Family Medicine- IFM will be held from 10 to 12 October 2021 at the Dubai World Trade Centre. The 3-day medical gathering will bring together top family physicians, experts, academicians, students, and professionals from the industry to discuss the latest updates in Family Medicine while also addressing the most crucial healthcare challenges family physicians face.