45 Epson Display Products Now Carry TCO Certified For Sustainability
Epson Europe announced today that 45 of its projector display products, that are designed to meet the needs of the educational and corporate sectors, have been certified according to the global, third-party sustainability certification TCO Certified. It is administered by TCO Development that is owned by a non-profit organization based in Sweden.
To be certified, products must meet life cycle criteria for social and environmental sustainability throughout the product life cycle: manufacturing, use and end-of-life. Criteria cover areas such as factory working conditions, reduction of hazardous substances, along with high image quality, energy efficiency during use and responsible end-of-life handling. Compliance with all criteria is independently verified, both before and after the certification process. This means that buyers can feel confident that the products they buy live up to all criteria throughout their usable life.
Epson is the global market leader for projectors and has been for the last 16 years. All core technologies built into the projectors, including LCD panels and lamps, are designed and manufactured by Epson, which enables them to ensure every component part is produced to the highest standards of social, environmental and corporate responsibility.
Niclas Rydell, Director of TCO Certified, comments: “Our goal is to constantly drive the electronics industry to develop more sustainable products. With purchasing directives – such as those in the EU – now calling for greater emphasis on sustainability, projector buyers can use TCO Certified as a tool to help meet environmental and social goals, while not compromising the image performance they demand.”
“TCO Certified also offers brands a platform for continuous improvement in sustainability. As part of the certification, Epson opened up its production sites for independent inspection, which now will be followed up through yearly spot checks and risk-based assessments.”

Epson at the ISE show in the RAI
(Foto: Hans Roggen)