Riot Games MENA has unveiled a first-of-its-kind hybrid event series across the MENA region that will see fans attending in-person battles with players online to celebrate the incredible support and growth of its latest hit game VALORANT. The first event, taking place at Topline Family Park in Cairo, Egypt, will feature a dramatic interactive battlefield,
Since the pandemic in the United Arab Emirates, homeschooling has become a popular study option for families across the country. Consequently, parents who want to keep their children safe find it more valuable than sending them to conventional on-campus and classroom learning. Homeschooling, without a doubt, offers students a lot of freedom and flexibility. Moreover,
Back in September 2018, management consultants Tech Sci Research, forecast the Middle East tire market would reach US$ 24.83 billion in value by 2023 with an average compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.63 percent. At the time, the research-based company attributed its optimism to rising demand for tires for vehicles used in the construction